Tuesday 19 March 2013

Best Quality Woven Gauze Fluff Bandage Rolls, Kerlix Type, 4-1/2" 6 PLY, 100/Case

Customer Rating :
Rating: 3.5

List Price : Price : $76.45
Woven Gauze Fluff Bandage Rolls, Kerlix Type, 4-1/2

Product Description

Made of 100% washed fluff cotton gauze the Bandage Rolls offers superior performance. It is a highly absorbent dressing that will conform as needed and hold dressings in place.

  • Non-Sterile
  • 100 Roll/Case
  • DUKAL545
  • Woven 100% gauze in 6 ply

Get Ample Supply of Medline 100% Cotton Woven Gauze Sponges, 4" x 4", 12 Ply, Sterile 2's, Case: 1200

Customer Rating :
Rating: 4.5

List Price : Price : $51.25
Medline 100% Cotton Woven Gauze Sponges, 4

Product Description

Medline 100% Cotton Woven Gauze Sponges: These USP Type VII cotton sponges are ideal for wound dressings, wound packing and general wound care. Our strictly controlled manufacturing process assures clean, debris-free packing with folded edges to prevent unraveling. Sterile 2's are packed in a coated paper envelope to reduce fiber debris. This easy-open envelope is also carefully sealed to prevent the intrusion of dust and contaminants. Sterile 2's 4" x 4", 12-ply. NON21424

  • Medline
  • Case: 1200
  • Sterile 2's 4" x 4", 12-ply.
  • These USP Type VII cotton sponges are ideal for wound dressings, wound packing and general wound care.
  • This easy-open envelope is also carefully sealed to prevent the intrusion of dust and contaminants.

Boring Sponges

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You ever see a sea shell with tiny holes in it and wonder what caused it?

It is caused by the boring sponge which is a parasite that uses acid to bore holes into the shells of mollusks. The boring sponge goes through two life stages. The excavation stage is while it is drilling into the host. The gamma stage is where it takes its form and no longer attacks other shells.

Monday 18 March 2013

Hatteras and Ocracoke Travel

I have heard tourists griping about the road being closed to Hatteras and Ocracoke Islands. 
There is a good reason for it.

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First S turn, north bound
The ocean is breaching the sand barrier and starting to over wash road at low tide.
On the other side of the road is the sound.
Water was right up against the road on both sides....at low tide.
During high tide, vehicles could be washed away.
The National Park Service, whom I am assuming was in control of the road, was working with people by opening it during low tide.

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Waves were breaking on the sand bags.

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Ocean and sound over washing road at low tide.

I apologize for not having better pictures depicting the proximity of the sound to the other side of the road, but we did not want to hold up the line. As you can see, there is a very good reason there is limited access.

There is one place where the road was completely washed away during Hurricane Irene. There is a temporary bridge spanning the gap. Areas of road near this bridge were completely covered with sound water during low tide.

A Personal Relationship

Psalm 56:8 Record my lament; list my tears on your scroll--are they not in your record?

Psalm 139:3 You discern my going out and my lying down; you are familiar with all my ways.

Luke 12:6-7 Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? Yet not one of them is forgotten by God. Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.

Deuteronomy 31:8 The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.

I love these verses because they show us how very intimate God's love for us it. He cares about the details in our lives, even the number of hairs on our head. I hope these verses bless you as much as they do me.

Saturday 16 March 2013


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Of course we stopped at the Cape Hatteras Lighthouse and visited the original site.

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America's 1st Amphibious Assault of the Civil War Monument is located north of milepost 71.
If you click the picture, you should be able to read the writing and see more details of the painting.

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Friday 15 March 2013

Surf Side Hotel OBX

Clint and I enjoyed our stay at Surf Side Hotel in Nags Head, NC last weekend. Clint made the reservations over the phone after finding the hotel online. The online rate was $150 a night, but when we called, it was offered for $121.50. (Note: Rates may run higher during season.) Having booked it sight unseen, I was a little concerned. When we got there, we were both very pleased with the room. There is a hotel in our county with a Jacuzzi suite. It is smaller and certainly does not offer a view or champagne. It runs $180 a night.  

I had planned to do a review, so I looked for hair, dirt, and dust. At the time we stayed, which is before the season starts, the room was clean. I even lifted the mattress and did not see anything under that. The top of the inside of the microwave, where most miss, was spotless. When I asked for the sheets to be changed, I lightly marked them on a corner so I could make sure they were indeed changed. And, they were. We had 6 towels, 4 hand towels, and 6 wash cloths in the room so we never ran out or felt we had to ration them. Soap, shower caps, conditioning shampoo, lotion, and make up removing cloths were complimentary and replaced each day.

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This is the inside entryway to room 533 which is in the south building. There was a hallway with a locking door that also opened with the key card which added security. Only two rooms shared the hallway, so, if there had been someone in that room they would have been the only ones sharing the hallway with us. Vending and ice machines were easily accessible on the level below us. If you are challenged by stairs, you might want to choose a room in the other building where there is an elevator. There were three flights, but they were easy. The room is on the second floor, but there was a ground floor not counted. The ground floor contained sheltered parking for five vehicles. We heard no noise from other guests so our stay was very peaceful and relaxing.

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The king sized bed was made up with attractive linens.

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The mural made a nice touch to the sitting area. The couch contained a pull out bed.

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Champagne was chilling in the fridge with glasses waiting on the Jacuzzi.
Tip: I always fill the tub, run the Jacuzzi, and then drain to clean out the jets before we use it.
The jets can hold water from the last use and can grow bacteria over time.

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A coffee maker with coffee making supplies, small microwave, and small fridge were beside the flat screen tv. There was a Continental Breakfast each morning in the main building.

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The view from the balcony which held two chairs and a table. Beach access was through a door in the lower level.

There was also a heated indoor pool, hot tub, and outdoor sitting area in front of the building. We had a nice, quiet, relaxing stay and found the places we wanted to visit were easily accessible from this location. We can see why Surf Side Hotel has been rated the #1 hotel in Nags Head by Trip Advisor.

If you go, be sure to stop by Sam & Omie's which is right down the road and has been serving up great food to the Outer Banks for 75 years.

Tuesday 12 March 2013


Many people are familiar with the words to the song “This Little Light of Mine.” The song is about not keeping secret the evidence of Christ’s work in our lives because our testimony is the best way of reaching others for Him. Transparency and honesty mark the lives of the sincerest Christians we have ever met, and we have tried to model their example in our lives. 

Countless lives have been changed by men and women who have been brave enough to share the difficulties in their lives and how God worked through them. Testimonies for Him are powerful and should not be kept hidden. That is why we share our faith in the blog. From the email we receive, what we share has been a blessing to others and for that, we are thankful and are encouraged to share more. We encourage you to share your faith in Christ with others too. God can take any experience you've faced and turn it into a ministry if you will surrender it to Him.

Matthew 5:14-16 Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid. Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.

Luk 11:33 No man, when he hath lighted a candle, putteth it in a secret place, neither under a bushel, but on a candlestick, that they which come in may see the light.

Monday 11 March 2013

So, I am NOT Losing My Mind...Just My Belongings...

I have loved and cherished every stage of my children's lives. Even the adult children give me reasons to chuckle:

Text to Amanda: "Do you have my debit card? ILY"
Amanda: "Yes. Do you need it? ILY2"
Me: "Let's see Sherlock, I am looking for it, so I probably need it :-)! Brandon took care of it. When you get home, put it in my wallet, please."
Amanda: "It's already in your wallet. I have that too. :-)"

Saturday 9 March 2013

Free Knitting How Tos Online

I am currently teaching myself how to knit. I wanted to find a new craft that I could use to bless others. While I plan to learn both, I decided to learn knitting over crocheting first because: 

  • many say it is harder to learn (I like the challenge of learning it first.)
  • more detail
  • ability to make nice looking clothing
  • wider variety of projects
  • already have several knitting friends to draw from
  • projects I leaned towards required knitting

Here are some websites that I am using to learn. I have found them very helpful.

How to Cast On (long tail)
Basic Dishrag

Following the recommendation of friends, I purchased Red Heart Super Saver Acrylic Yarn from Walmart and Boye 10" long #8 aluminum knitting needles from Amazon. Walmart did not have the needles.

It will be slow going. I don't get much free time and find that when I do, I am often interrupted. I'll keep at it though. I want to be very good before my oldest two find spouses and start making grandchildren!

Friday 8 March 2013

Here's Your Sign

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I gave Clint this sign for his shed on Valentine's Day.
I had originally bought him a wood one for the inside. Clint liked it so much, he casually remarked he wanted one for the outside too. So, I hunted and found a metal one for him. These signs make great gifts.

Colossians 3:23-24 Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.

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